Sunday, May 3, 2009

Grey Toyota Camry parked rudely

Not only over the line, but in the spot longer than the posted 20 minutes.  Doubly rude!

Blue Jeep parked rudely

Is it really that difficult to park between the lines?

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Black Mitsubishi Mirage parked rudely


Black Hummer parked rudely

The spot is clearly marked Compact.  Yet the Hummer is parked over the line here.  Do we assume that the driver is unable to read?0412092104a

Friday, May 1, 2009

White Nissan Versa parked rudely

Isn’t that a fairly small car?  How can it not fit in that spot?

Toyota van parked rudely

Early morning.  No one around.  Before the work crowd shows up.  This person scopes out a spot over the line.0412092104